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Well Russia had just pulled out of the war because of its revoloution, therefore the Germans could take all it units off the Eastern front and send them to the west. More troops were going to be needed to hold the Western front. the Americans didnt bring an epidemic with them unfoutunatly but it soon spread to the Germans to. at first the Americans didnt send that much but when Germany had an all-out push for the front they did alright with the new troops but the French and British held them long enough for the Americans. by then Germany was running out of things. money for one. after the war its people were starving because Germany had to pay massive debts because of the war. this brought the likes of Hitler to power who had served for Austria and Germany in WWI. hope that answers your question as best as possible. for more info theres a tone of good books down in libiarys. go for John Keegans book on WWI. very good and goes over all the aspects of the war

Well Russia had just pulled out of the war because of its revoloution, therefore the Germans could take all it units off the Eastern front and send them to the west. More troops were going to be needed to hold the Western front. the Americans didnt bring an epidemic with them unfoutunatly but it soon spread to the Germans to. at first the Americans didnt send that much but when Germany had an all-out push for the front they did alright with the new troops but the French and British held them long enough for the Americans. by then Germany was running out of things. money for one. after the war its people were starving because Germany had to pay massive debts because of the war. this brought the likes of Hitler to power who had served for Austria and Germany in WWI. hope that answers your question as best as possible. for more info theres a tone of good books down in libiarys. go for John Keegans book on WWI. very good and goes over all the aspects of the war

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12y ago
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13y ago

By the time the United State entered the war in 1917, the Russians had lost the war, the French were bled white and and the British were not much better off. 3 years of war had exhaused the allies. With the Russians out of the war, the Germans were able to transfer over a million soldiers to the western front in the winter of 1916-17 to help in the great German spring offensive in 1917. The Americans offered the allies, huge numbers of manpower and artillery. Another great contribution was the ability of the Americans to provide tremendous amount of food to the people of France and England. Manpower was the greatest advantage America provided. By the spring of 1917, the French were having to rely more and more on colonial troops that weren't as well-trained as regular French soldiers. There was great unrest in parts of France as the war dragged on and there seemed no end in sight.

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10y ago

in 1917; the Germans sent a telegram to Mexico trying to get them to declare war on the USA and prevent the Americans from entering the war on the side of the Allies, (and against Germany). The English intercepted the telegram and gave it to the Americans. Shortly thereafter, the USA declared war on Germany. American manpower and equipment overwhelmed Germany and the war ended with an armistice on Nov. 11, 1918 and an Allied victory.

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8y ago

The primary effect of the US entry into World War One was not so much in the military help, but in the economic help it could now provide to its allies of France and England. US troops were not ready to enter the war until many months later. The supplies the US could immediately provide were of enormous help.

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11y ago

usa had a lot of weapons and was ready for a war to happen and we was a big reason why allies won.

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