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African-Americans during the 1960s called Vietnam "the White Man's War"; because the US wanted to stop communism there, but were drafting African-Americans (and all other US males) to fight it.

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Racism was very common in many places in the times of the Vietnam War.

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Vietnam was called Vietnam after World War 2.

What is the isa Vietnam war called?

War in SEA (Southeast Asia), or Vietnam War.

When do Vietnam won the war?

There was no country called "Vietnam" during the war. There was a country called North Vietnam and another country called South Vietnam, which one are you asking about?

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The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.

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The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.

What caused the Vietnam war called the war nobody won?

North Vietnam won the war. They probably wouldn't appreciate being called a "nobody."

Is their a list of hero's from the Vietnam war?

Yes. It is called the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC.

Who did Vietnam fight with?

The nation of Vietnam came into existence in 1975 (on paper in 1976). So are you asking about that Vietnam or the Vietnam War? There was no nation called "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War.

Why did they name the war name vietnam's war?

Because Vietnam is the name of the country in which the war was fought. If the war was fought in Germany, it could have been called the "German War." Or in Canada, the "Canadian War", etc.

Republican hawks called for in Vietnam.?

The Republican "hawks" wanted total war in Vietnam.

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the forgotten war was the Korean War. The Korean War is called that because it was overshadowed by WWII and the Vietnam War.

Why was the Vietnam war called the cold war?

Vietnam was a shooting war (a hot war). A cold war is a NON-shooting war; a cold war is a "stand-off" between two (or more) adversaries. Technically, Vietnam, being part of the cold war...communism verses the free world...the Vietnam War was a "Hot BATTLE" of the cold war.