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Neville Chamberlains policy of Appeasement, as he did not wish for there to be another world war so he believed that if Hitler had any true grievances with the Treaty of Versailles that would "discuss" them.

Though after Hitler had actually taken the whole of Czechoslovakia the British stopped the policy of appeasement and started conscription.

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12y ago

There are many reasons for this, but most importantly is that

Hitler wanted Sudetenland, because he believed that the "Aryan race" needed as much space as they could get. He tried to create something he called "Lebenraum", enough room for the people of "Germania" to unfold and thrive in.

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Because there were many German Speakers there.

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Q: Why was the sudetenland given to Hitler?
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Munich conference of 1938, between Neville Chamberlain of the UK and Adolph Hitler of Germany

The Sudetenland was given away at the?

Munich conference of 1938, between Neville Chamberlain of the UK and Adolph Hitler of Germany

where was the Sudetenland was given away at the?

Munich conference of 1938, between Neville Chamberlain of the UK and Adolph Hitler of Germany

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