to create a more fair system.
Well, technically as queen, Cleopatra was head of the Egyptian military, but in reality no, others were in control as Cleopatra knew nothing about military matters. In fact the Egyptian military was so inadequate that they couldn't even put together a bodyguard for Cleopatra. Antony had to give her a regiment of Gauls as her bodyguard.
Selective service act.
technically speaking you can still be put to death for it. during a deployment or at sea you can be put to death by a Captain (full bird) or higher for it
17:40They don't put the colon in the times, as it is generally quicker and easier to say.
The population of Thap Put District is 24,046.
yes it could put it on the deck if there wasnt any ppl and if it wasnt at the bottem of the ocean
ummm I'm 6 and i wasnt to say no
He was put under military arrest.
The two U.S. states beginning with the letter T are Tennessee and Texas. Austin is the capital city in Texas.
i think so my teacher said there wasnt but you put down what you think
She was a hurricane
it was made in the district of Columbia
no it is not a whole word
its not a real ball. i put pokeball cheats on my Pokemon platinum to get every pokeball and that wasnt one of them.