German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
'Fritz' was the nickname for all German soldiers in WW1. The Bristish were called 'Tommy's' I believe.
Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.
4,247,143 German soldiers were wounded in battle during the Great War.
Answer this question…The Soviet army had more soldiers than the German army, and German soldiers were not prepared for the harsh Russian winter.
German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.
German traitors
'Fritz' was the nickname for all German soldiers in WW1. The Bristish were called 'Tommy's' I believe.
The German soldiers that were paid by the British to fight in the Revolutionary War were called "Hessians".
British and Americans mainly, but the British also got the German on their side ( the German soldiers were called Hessans)
They were German soldiers. About half of them were from German region of Hesse and the other were from other small German small reigns. For that reason they were called "Hessians" without distinction by the Americans.
The German word for "soldiers" is "Soldaten".
German soldiers disguised themselves as Polish soldiers and attacked a German radio station to give reasoning to invade Poland.
During the french-German war soldier had to cut their hair
The Hessian Soliders
Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.
Soldiers fight against another team which is called a war. For example: In WW1, English soldiers fought against the German soldiers.It is not a very nice thing to do because you may die.