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The Germans in the second world war were such good fighters because of various points which helped them such as:

1, The German war machine often had the most advanced equipment to field for example the Tiger tank had thick sloped armour and a deadly 88mm main gun which outclassed the majority of allied armour (M4 Sherman, M18 Hellcat and Cromwells)

2, Their soldiers after 1943 were basically retreating on all fronts and employed 'Sorched Earth' tactics which gave the mentality to defend every inch of land to the death which the Germans excelled at, especially the Elite Fallschrimjager regiments and Grenadiers. As a small hint their soldiers also had some of the best weaponry around (FG42, STG44 and G43).

3, German soldiers had a very strong sense of brotherhood like any other country in WW2 and also have a very strong hatred for the Communists in the east and Allies in the west so equaling to a strong determination given by German Volksgrenadiers , Grenadiers , Waffen SS , Fallschrimjager , Pilots, Gun crews , Sailors and Commanders which leads to my next and final point.

4, Their commanders were the masterminds behind German efficiency and zeal not Hitler because many commanders like Heinz Guderian , Erwin Rommel and Von Manstein often tried to get as close as they could to the fighting alongside their troops showing they aren't high class commanders sitting as far away as possible this earned the respect of the soldiers thus making the soldiers fight harder.

Hoped this helped its just a small amount of Info.

Written by a English Guy

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