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Because the Jewish people were the ones targeted, persecuted and murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Hitler declared his disdain for the jews, therefore his army, under his orders, slaughtered them by the millions. There were only a few of Hitler's soldiers that secretly despised what Hitler was doing and what he stood for, but the majority of Hitler's army took a perverted pleasure in the torture, mutilation, and murder of millions of innocent people just because they were Jewish. No other people (that I know of) were targeted by the Nazis like the Jewish people were. It made no difference to them if they killed infants and children, women or men.

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Q: Why were Jewish people globally recognized as victims of the Nazi Holocaust?
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Were all the victims of the Holocaust Jewish?

No. Also targeted were Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, homosexuals, Rom ("Gypsies"), the crippled, the mentally ill, and Slavs.

Why were the non-Jewish victims of the holocaust killed?

The answer to this question depends on what is meant by the "non-Jewish victims during the holocaust". If the term is understood as including all victims of criminal violence for which Nazi Germany or its allies were responsible, the answer to the question may be found in the blog article starting under

Did any Jewish people renounce being Jewish during the Holocaust?

Yes, but being Jewish in the Holocaust was not judged by one's self, it was determined by the Nazis.

Who was affected during World War 2 and the Holocaust?

during world war 2 most major countries were effected. during the holocaust people of Jewish heritage were affected. also prisoners of war were taken and given similar treatment to those of whom were Jewish or of Jewish heritage.

How much did the Holocaust cost in terms of money?

There was no budget for the Holocaust and the victims had to pay for their own sufferings and their death. In 1939-40 the SS became in part a vast business entreprise. The Holocaust was financed by slave labour hired out (under SS discipline) to private entreprise. About 2,000 (!) German corporations used SS slave labour ... In addition, the victims' assets and personal possessions were seized by the SS and stolen. In all, the SS made money from the Holocaust. According to the Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg, the Nazis made more from Jewish slave labour than from seized assets.

Related questions

Why is the Holocaust all about Jews and only a small mention for non Jews?

The main victims of the Holocaust were people of the Jewish religion. There were other victims, but the Natzis were mainly focused on the Jewish religion when the Holocaust began.

Jewish Holocaust deaths in Greece?

About 54,000 Jewish Greeks were victims of the Holocaust. Most of them were transported out of Greece to other camps.

How did Jewish children die in the Holocaust?

Most of the child victims were gassed with their mothers.

How many non Jewish were murdered in the Holocaust?

A figure often given for non-Jewish victims is 5 million.

How do you know who the Jewish victims were during the holocaust?

they were the ones that looked like ethiopean children

Why did the holocaust victims were pjs?

It was the cheapest of cloth, it made the Jewish people identifiable and it was also done to insult and ridicule the Jewish people.

How many Jew were killed out of a total population of Jews living during the Holocaust?

Approximately six million of the estimated nine million Holocaust victims were Jewish.

In 1995 Swiss banks came under pressure from Jewish organizations to search for assets belonging to victims of .?

the Nazi Holocaust

In 1995 Swiss banks came under pressure from Jewish organizations to search for assets belonging to victims of?

the Nazi holocaust

What has the author Andreas Weigelt written?

Andreas Weigelt has written: '\\' 'Judenmord im Reichsgebiet' -- subject(s): Sachsenhausen (Concentration camp), Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Holocaust victimes, Lieberose (Concentration camp), Holocaust victims

Were all the victims of the Holocaust Jewish?

No. Also targeted were Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, homosexuals, Rom ("Gypsies"), the crippled, the mentally ill, and Slavs.

Was there a Jewish ruler during the Holocaust?

There was no Jewish state and no 'Jewish ruler'.