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The usual explanation is that during the "Punitive Expedition" into Mexico in 1916, where Pershing led American soldiers in a long "chase" around northern Mexico after Pancho Villa, the infantry soldiers frequently got covered with dust. It was adobe dust (the same soil used as the primary building material in the southwest), so the mounted soldiers called these dusty infantrymen "adobes". Then it became "dobies". From there it was a short transliteration to "doughboys".

By the way, their sons in the next war did not call themselves "GIs". They called themselves "doughs".

Pershing (a city in Michigan) High School's mascot is the doughboy

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14y ago
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10y ago

The familiar Spanish soldiers were accustomed to eating the fried dough, and when American soldiers came to fight in WWI they came to love the fired dough, and thus were called doughboys.

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15y ago

I don't know if the term is specific to the WWI or II era but 'Dough Boy' is an alternative term for G.I.s

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4y ago

t think it was because they were fat

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Q: Why were World War 1 US soldiers called dough boys?
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What were American soldiers nicknamed in World War 1?

American soldiers were called "doughboys" in World War I. The origin of the nickname is not known for sure but some speculate that it came from the white chalky dust that covered them after a long march.

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Dough Boys were the USA soldiers in WWI who wore white belts and to keep them clean made a product like dough to erase and keep their belts white.

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American soldiers were referred to as dough boys in Europe during World War 1. It is thought they got this nickname because of the famous fried dumpling that was called a dough boy.

What was the nickname for US soldiers in World War1?

See the Related Link for "Doughboy Center" to the right for some possible explanations for the origin of this nickname.Doughboysif you mean English- we were called tommies :) and Americans dough boys .. lol im not sure why have a look at this Why were WW1 soldiers called dough boysdoughboysThe US soldiers were nicknamed "Doughboys" during WW1 because the buttons on their overcoats reminded the British men of little clumps of dough.

What was the name given to the first soldiers who sailed to France?

Dough Boys :)

Why were American troops called dough boys in World War 1?

Because they're weird.

What did the dough boys do in the world war 1?

They were infantrymen

What were American solidiers in World War 1 called?

Most probably "yanks" or even simply "the Americans". I have now found out that they were called Dough Boys!