During various wars kites have been used for scaring the enemy with sound and visual presence, marking troops on the ground, signaling, radio Ariel extentions, seeing over enemy lines, triangulation and tunnel building.
Kites were predominantly used by the French. They were from about 7' to 10' in wingspan. Due to an almost continuous westerly wind, they were anchored with two cables or ropes, one anchored in the trench itself, the other to the back of the trench to adjust the kite so that it flew directly over the trench. The purpose of the kites were to prevent enemy fighters from strafing the trenches. Some say messages were written on the kites so anyone lifting their heads to read the message, were shot by snipers. Two things wrong with this are that it wouldn't take the enemy too long to see it was a trap, and the kites were high enough to see without exposing one's self.
where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?
I wasn't in the world war 1
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.
there is none. the longest war in world war 1 is world war 1. it would have to be the longest battle. :)*
Kites were commonly used in the war because it is an easy way to transport messages. in the Civil War if you were flying a kite the South would think it is a child playing with a kite.
There is only 1 syllable in "kites."
millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1
where is world war 1 come from?how many years a go in world war 1?what is world war 1?how many people dead in world war 1?who is win in world war 1?how many people live in world war 1?when the world war 1 start?how many helicopter they use?when thwe world war fished?
World War 1
china was in world war 1 because it was a WORLD WAR that would mean it was a war of our world.........
I wasn't in the world war 1
World War 1
In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war
What did Andorra do in World War 1?
Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.
After the start of World War II.