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Many victims of the Holocaust thought they were going to be deported to work camps to be used as slave labour. Some guessed what was really going to happen, but there was little they could do to resist the Nazis.

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After the Holocaust there was still a lot of hostility towards the Jews, especially in Poland, where they were regarded as Communists. See the link on the Kielce Pogrom of 4 July 1946.

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because they did not know where to go or what to do.

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Q: Why were many Jews afraid to go home after surviving a concentration camp?
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What is aConcentration camp?

A concentration camp is a camp where the Jewish people were sent to when they were called. The camp had very bad conditions and as Jews were considered outlaws they were treated badly. Over 1000 people died in concentration camps all over Europe. People were even gassed to death at concentration generically a concentration camp was like a prison

What concentration camp was Emmanuel Alper in?

Emmanuel Alper was never sent to a concentration camp. He, his mother, and his sister were put in the ghetto in his home town. Later on, they were put in a line with thousands of other Jews and shot and murdered by the Germans in 1942.

What does aushwitz mean?

Auschwitz was a German concentration camp during the Holocaust where Jews were exterminated by Nazis. Auschwitz was the largest of the German concentration camps where Jews and others were exterminated. Look up the name properly spelled on Yahoo or Google

What concentration camp was blima weisstuch held?

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

What was the purpose of Theresienstadt that set it apart from other camps?

Part of Theresienstadt was an 'ordinary' concentration camp and a Gestapo prison (mainly for Czechs), and another part was a transit camp for 'prominent' German Jews. It was for a time a 'model concentration camp' that Germany could should off to the Red Cross. To some extent, the Jews there were allowed to organize their own lives. However, the grim reality was that prisoners were regularly sent by train to Auschwitz.

Related questions

What was the kingdom of the Jews?

~Concentration Camp~

What did death marches do to the Jews?

Death marches transported Jews from concentration camp to concentration camp as the Allies neared.

What is concentration camp like for Jews?


Did the first Nazi concentration camp have Jews?

Yes, but until 1938 Jews were not sent to concentration camps simply for being Jews.

Where did Adolph Hitler attack Jews?

In a concentration camp.

What did the Jews see in a concentration camp?

gas chambers

How many Jews were at the concentration camp in gleiwitz?


Is their a music video showing how most concentration camps were run and how the Jews were treated?

Yes their is, if you look at related link it will show you how jews were captured and sent to the concentration camp, this also showed how jews were treated and how how the concentration camps worked. This concentration camp is Auschwitz II-Birkenau

What was used to kill Jews in the concetration camps?

In a concentration camp it was overwork and undernourishment. But in a DEATHCAMP, which is different to a concentration camp, they used Zyclon-B gas or shooting to kill the Jews..

How were the prisoners marked in the concentration camp?

The Jews during this point in time at every concentration camp were marked by numbers tattooed on there forearms

Who was in the concentration camp?

a concentration camp is a place where Jews went to during world war 2. you can see them now but they are really shocking.

How many Jews were in Buchenwald Concentration Camp?

Around 2,000