He didn't want the teeth themselves, but the gold fillings or solid gold teeth some of the dead had. They were melted down and 'put to good use'.
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
There was no guerilla warfare in connection with the Holocaust.
The ISBN of Is the Holocaust Unique? is 0813336864.
This question doesn't make sense. Do you mean "what was the cause of the Holocaust?" Do you mean "who was responsible for the Holocaust?" Rephrase the question.
Leon Cohen was one man who pulled Jews' teeth during the Holocaust, but there were many more.
if you get dizzy when you are on a rollar coaster you will get dizzy gettiung your teeth pulled
Get the teeth pulled
If it was the first teeth that was pulled the adult ones will grow up there in time. You just have to wait. If it was the adult ones that was pulled nothing will grow back. You have no more teeth in that place.
can any one tell me where to go to get 9 teeth pulled
Teeth is plural, tooth is not plural. The docter pulled out my teeth.
Forever... canine teeth should not be pulled out. You will not be able to chew meat well.
u got your wisdom teeth pulled out dummy
they are slimy because you are a complete idiot