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they were called this because reb is short for rebel and the south was rebeling against the north

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Reb for Rebel

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Q: Why were the Confederate army called Johnny Reb?
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Related questions

What were Confederate soldier sometimes called?

Rebels, Johnny, Johnny reb, reb and greyback were some names given the Confederate soldiers by the Union troops.

What where confederate soldiers sometimes called?

Rebels, Johnny, Johnny reb, reb and greyback were some names given the Confederate soldiers by the Union troops.

What were Confederate nicknames in the American Civil War?

Confederate soldiers were called rebel, greyback (because of the color of their uniform), Johnny Reb, Johnny, or just plain reb. Confederate guerrillas were called bushwhackers.

What were the South's nicknames in the American Civil War?

Confederate soldiers were called rebel, Grayback (because of the color of their uniform), Grays, Johnny Reb, Johnny, or just plain reb. Confederate guerrillas were called bushwhackers.

What is the nickname for the confederate soilders?

The members of the Confederate military were often referred to as "rebels" or "Johnny Reb". Conversely, Union soldiers were called the "Yanks" or "Yankees". Yankees was a nickname that stuck with the USA, especially in WW 1.

What were Southerners called in the US Civil War by people in the North?

During the US Civil War, the Confederate army which is the southern army, referred to the Union Army's soldiers as yankees or yanks. The Union Army (northern army) referred to the Confederate Army's soldiers as rebels, rebs or Johnny Reb.

What is the name of confederate soldiers?

They were called "rebels", "rebs", "Johnny Reb" and "damn' secess' "

What was the nickname for the South soldiers in Civil War?

Confederate soldiers were called rebel, Grayback (because of the color of their uniform), Grays, Johnny Reb, Johnny, or just plain reb. Confederate guerrillas were called bushwhackers.

What is another name for the confederacy soldiers in civil war?

Confederate, Johnny Reb, Reb, a Gray

Was there a guy named john in the civil war?

It was the nickname "Johnny Rebel or Johnny Reb" with which all Confederate soldiers were called by the Union soldiers. "Johnny Rebel" was also the title of a Confederate Anthem.

Who was johny reb?

Johnny Reb, or Johnny Rebel was not a person, but a group of soldiers that were fighting on the Confederate side, and were usually poor, white and uneducated.

What is the name of the soldiers for the confederacy?

The Confederates called themselves "Confederates" or Confederate Soldiers". The Union slang for them was "Johnny Reb"