No, not day 1 of the war,... Day 1 of the Battle of the Somme where the British had something like 60 000 casualties in mounting a very ill concieved attack against the German trenches. A great many died moving to the British ! front line, never mind the German positions. They had been told the Artillery barrage would prevent the German defence: It was a lie !
There were every kind of injuries you could imagine - and many you could not.
Allied deaths were about 5,000, and although very regrettable, this is a surprisingly low number considering over 175,000 men were involved in the combat.
Germany casualties were unclear for the whole day. However at least 1,000 Germans are known to have died on Sword Beach.
Aproximatly 2500
Casualties on Gold Beach were approximately 1,000. This number includes deaths and wounded.
The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 was a great catastrophe, which caused approximately 350,000 deaths and many more injuries.
The F5 tornado that hit Oklahoma City on May 3, 1999 killed 36 people and injured 583. Other tornadoes on that day resulted in an additional 10 deaths and 242 injuries.
There were every kind of injuries you could imagine - and many you could not.
Many Deaths
7 deaths were recorded to have come from this massacre.
In WW2 parlance, deaths and wounded are both "casualties". The Allies had over 10,000 casualties on D-Day. Of these, about 4,900 were ultimately deaths. Many badly wounded men did not die immediately, but later in hospitals.
um in 1 day would probaly be the somme for the british the first day had 60 000 deaths the hole battle was over 600000 deaths
100 deaths occur each and every minute of the day. That's more then 153000 deaths a day and over 6000 deaths per hour. Even more during a natural disaster.
1.78 Deaths Per Second 107 Deaths Per Minute 6,390 Deaths Per Hour 153,000 Deaths Per Day 56.0 Million Deaths per Year 3.9 Deaths Per Life Time (70 Years)
Allied deaths were 4391
many deaths where on that day over 3,428 died that day they left the world and i came in :)