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because he issued the Emancipation Proclaimation that applied to slave states that left the Union. he wanted the border states to stay loyal to the Union and besides.... the border states never did secession anyways. hope this helps! :)

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14y ago

Slaves weren't free in border states because border states were considered still being slave states but just didn't join the Confederacy. Also the Emancipation project didn't apply to it because they never officially left the Union.

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14y ago

In diaries and letters Lincoln said he wished to end the war without ending slavery. He actually offered rebel states that rejoined the Union by a certain date the right to keep their slaves. Also any states that had slaves who didn't leave the Union, had the right to keep slaves. He didn't really believe that Slaves or Freemen/women should have the same rights as whites. He used the Emancipation Proclamation as a strategic move. By this move slaves who heard it were hoped to rise up against masters and join the fight on the union side to end the war quicker. As well as aid the union in sabotage. He at first only let Freemen and Ex-slaves to join as servants to the armed forces. He didn't want to issue them firearms and thought it would taint the Union image to use them as soldiers. Even though there were Black soldiers in the two previous wars with Britain, who served with distinction. Not until the suicide mission performed by the 54th (movie Glory based on them) were Black soldiers taken seriously. The New Republicans party took over after the death of Lincoln and Started reconstruction of the south.

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9y ago

The Emancipation Proclamation was designed as a war measure. It did not free slaves in the US border states, but as Union troops conquered Confederate territories, they freed slaves there and at one point began to recruit them as soldiers.

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Q: Why weren't slaves free in border states during the civil war?
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