Well hopefully there won't be but they are saying that Asia is making a secret weapon and when they finish it they might attack the U.S. which will probably start WW3 but hopefully that won't happen, cause I bet all humans want to live in peace.
If there is to be a WWIII it would be the most devistating war ever. it would start off as years of naval and air battle, i dont forsee nukes or ICBMs being used. eventualy a country would invade another and thats when sever fighting in third world countries would start and it would over flow into sever fighting between the world super powers (USA, China, England, Ect.) would begin on land. death toal would be in the billions.
Yes, I do believe there will be WW3 involving the U.S. I think China and the terrorists will join forces to attack the U.S. China will attack because America still hasn't paid their debt to China. The terrorists will attack because they hate America. If America does pay the debt to the Chinese, the U.S. will have to pay in land, army equipment, or blueprints. Then, China will gain power by selling blueprints and other goods from the U.S. to other countries. By doing this, China will gain loyalties and allies. Finally, China will decide that they are so powerful that they could take over other NATO countries including the U.S, thus creating a world war. WW3 can be prevented by making products in the U.S., raising taxes for the rich, and watchful spending towards government salaries and repairing things that don't need to be repaired; repair what is mandatory to repair.
It will probably start in the Middle East. I think EU and some NATO countries would step in to help.
It is very likely to be east v. west with some countries on wrong side of world for their allies.
Then Russia, China, (maybe Japan), North Korea and Iran will get involved on opposite side. With nukes USA and Russia would massacre each other, UK would be hit a small bit but countries underestimate UK's potential. MI6 would set off and assassinate lots of enemies hopefully!
Anyway, with nukes, economies would be destroyed and everything goes downhill.
Without nukes, the USA, UK and Commonwealth powers with some NATO countries would win. There would be high cost but West is very efficient and organised. You can argue that East has a lot of troops and good technology but West would still win for quality. Once again I bring up the point that Uk has best trained troops in world and SAS are very good soldiers.
WW - 2013 was released on: USA: 3 March 2013
WW 3 - 2001 TV is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Australia:M
Too Much Sax and Violins
ww ww w ww
ww ww w ww
2 brothers and 3 sisters
The genotypes produced from a cross between Ww and Ww would be: WW Ww Ww ww -The cross between these two genotypes would produce gametes with genotypes in a 1:2:1 ratio.
3/4 cup is 1 point