With respect, this is a very puzzling question. It implies that the period before the Holocaust was some kind of 'age of innocence', which was certainly not the case.
The Critical Period
period :)
Every period of history creates the conditions that give rise to the next period of history. The antebellum period (antebellum is Latin for before the war) was the period which created the conditions that gave rise to the Civil War, which was an extremely important event.
Finding out such details is why a period of courting is used to get to know a likely partner, spouse, better.
what is the term used for the orbital period of an object with respect to the stars?
it should be treated with respect. Love is respect. Period.
the invention of writing
it should be treated with respect. Love is respect. Period.
Restoration Period
Restoration Period
dinos died
The new stone age!
marked by the characteristics of an earlier period
A baby boom is any period marked by a greatly increased Birth Rate
in a period from left to right valency of elements with respect to hydrogen increases from 1 to 4 and then decreases upto 1 and with respect to oxygen increases from 1 to 7.