Oh, dude, the Luger P08 pistol was typically made with steel, wood, and a bit of German engineering magic. Like, they really knew how to put together a gun that looked classy while also being deadly efficient. So, yeah, steel and wood were the main ingredients for that bad boy.
that should be 'byf 41 and that means it was made by Mauser. value depends on overall condtion................
probably none
prices vary based on condition. send me a picture of the items if you want an offer.....
The Luger P08 (Pistole-Parabellum 1908) was the standard German sidearm up until the introduction of the Walther P38 in 1938. The Luger was the more common to be issued to officers up until its final manufacturer ceased production in 1945.
You're thinking of the Luger P08 (Pistole-Parabellum 1908, named after its creator, Herr Georg L. Luger) manufactured by Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (DWM) during the early 1900's. The most typical sidearm of German officers until the introduction of the Walther P38 in the late 30's. The end of the war caused its final manufacturer, Waffenfabrik Bern, to cease production in 1945."Ruger" is, on the other hand, a current American firearms company started in 1949 Connecticut and is also named after one of its creators.
The Luger P08 was a standard sidearm of the German Military in both World Wars.
The P08 was not made in 1830.
I believe you will find that the German Luger P08 went into production in the early 1900's. P08 basically refers to Pistol of 1908.The luger was used extensively during WW1 and WW2 by German forces.
The P08 Luger was a pistol, and a very iconic one of the Germany during both World Wars. It was also the pistol which introduced the 9x19mm cartridge (also known as the 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger).
The Luger P08 was the side arm used by the German Army for both World War 1 and World War 2. The pistol was deisgned by George Luger and went into production in 1908, thus Pistol 08 or P08. The design had a unique toggle receiver mechanism. The gun has only 2 screws and they hold on the wood grips. This design uses close tolerance, sliding mechanisms that does not withstand dirt and grime. That is why the Luger holster completely encloses the pistol.
The Luger P08 was the side arm used by the German Army for both World War 1 and World War 2. The pistol was deisgned by George Luger and went into production in 1908, thus Pistol 08 or P08. The design had a unique toggle receiver mechanism. The gun has only 2 screws and they hold on the wood grips. This design uses close tolerance, sliding mechanisms that does not withstand dirt and grime. That is why the Luger holster completely encloses the pistol.
Better is a very relative term. In terms of quality and reliability, the P08 Luger rated higher in these regards. It also used a more powerful cartridge. But it was also complicated and expensive to manufacture, which is why the P38 came to be.
They mainly used their fists and flaming bottles. Some SA men did use the Gewehr 41, MP40 and the Luger P08 Pistol.
depends on overall condition
$13 USD / RM 32 in 1945
that should be 'byf 41 and that means it was made by Mauser. value depends on overall condtion................
which is it. PO8 (luger) or 45 cal (pistol) ????