Oh, honey, where do I start? Chaotic, brutal, divisive, deadly. It was a hot mess, plain and simple. Those were some dark days, let me tell you.
The Vietnam Conflict, the Indochina war. The people and government in Vietnam today refer to it as the American War.
Vietnam War, the second "hot" battle of the Cold War.
The Vietnam war was a warm part of the cold war.
The Mustang was not deployed in Vietnam. It was used in the Korean war.
they were used to spark protest against America's involvement in the Vietnam War
no but it was almost in Vietnam
Vietnam War
Vietnam War, the second "hot" battle of the Cold War.
Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.
Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war
Instead of exchanging words, they began exchanging bullets in Vietnam. It went from talk (cold war) to shooting (Vietnam).
The Vietnam war was a warm part of the cold war.
Credibility gap
Napalm bombs were used in the Vietnam War and killed a lot of people.
Vietnam Syndrome is a term used in the in public political rhetoric and political analysis, to describe the perceived impact of the domestic controversy over the Viet Nam war on US foreign policy after the end of that war in 1975.
They just said, "I did my time."
Vietnam War: Find'em & Kill'em (Search & Destroy).
The most commonly used dates for the Vietnam War are 1959 - 1975.