A political party is a group of people who have common interests politically, who organized into a party to nominate candidates for political office, in order to attempt to win elections in order to conduct government and determine public policy.
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All of the above
i think its political parties
Political Parties do not have presidents. They have representatives, but not presidents.
The leaders of the American Revolution did not approve of the idea of political parties, but it seems they were inevitable. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were the founders and leaders of the first two political parties in the United States.
Democrats and Republicans.
secret >:))
It varies greatly between jurisdictions but in the United Kingdom, the serious political parties are generally made up of the following components;- 1)Legislative group (MP's, MEP'S, MLA's, MSP's etc...) 2)Semi-professional politicians (Councillors etc..) 3) Party staff 4)Serious activists (Committee members, those who stand for election, conference-goers etc...anyone who spends alot of time on the party without pay) 5)ordinary members (Just pay their subs and help-out at elections, possibly going to the odd coffee morning)
Political Parties.
The plural of political party is "political parties".
Political parties usually have their basis in shared political ideologies and objectives. In the United States the two major political parties are the Republican and Democrat parties.
Some are 3 teirs
Romania has many political parties.
There are literally hundreds of political parties.
Israel has numerous political parties. Currently in the Israeli Knesset there are 12 political parties.
Their are 37 Political Parties in Nigeria <BrItTaNy:)>
No, we haven't good political parties.