Type your answer here... They are first of all the famous tradition which still continues today Junkanoo, Obeah,folklore,and bush medicines etc. <3
It passed down African culture and history, it also entertained people.
The Free African Society help the infected people in 1793 from Yellow Fever.
Ideal culture is how people wish society would be, versus real culture, which is the reality of what culture actually is. An example of this would be the cultural ideal of magazines and society uplifting women and explaining that all body types are normal and beautiful. This can be contrasted with the real culture of body shaming and lifting very thin bodies up as the ideal beauty, to the exclusion of all other body types.
Bahamian slaves descended primarily from West African tribes, such as the Igbo, Yoruba, Akan, and Mandinka. These tribes were brought to the Bahamas during the transatlantic slave trade and their cultural influences can still be seen in Bahamian society today.
Culture influences the people in the society and society follows culture.
Culture influences the people in the society and society follows culture.
Throughout slavery in the 18th _19th century there were a few cultures preformed. They carried out numerous activities that they were familiar to back in Africa. Music (Junkanoo), storytelling, bush medicine and their religion.
Society and culture are intertwined because culture is shaped by the collective beliefs, practices, and values of a society. Society provides the environment in which culture develops, while culture, in turn, influences societal norms, behaviors, and institutions. Together, they form the fabric of a community's identity and heritage.
John Wells was a loyalist who started the first Bahamian newspaper, The Gazette.
Griots are important because it represented west African culture and society
Culture refers to all the values and knowledge that is shared by a given society. The different types of culture include the Western culture, the African culture, the Asian Culture and the Indian culture.
A culture is the result of all that surrounds a society which includes the clothing worn the religion the seasons the climate the surrounding cultures etc. when one is taken away from those influences these ways of life and tradition tend to become out of place, especially for the children of those that came from that culture. their children in turn are even less interested and so eventually the old traditions will tend to fade.
Yes, law is intertwined with culture as it reflects the values, norms, and beliefs of a society. Legal systems are often shaped by cultural customs, traditions, and historical experiences. Culture influences how laws are created, interpreted, and enforced within a society.
because it is between them