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the people who went to CA in search of gold were the 49ers. In 1849 the expansion of America drove to new heights causing a push from coast to coast, or Manifest Destiny. Word of Gold in CA encouraged thousands to flush into the area in search of wealth. Most of the new settlers were young white males, who due to crowding back east did not have a substantial plot of land to raise a family, and consequently migrated to California. These people are where the name San Fransisco 49ers come from also

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Q: A gold-seeker who moved to California during the gold rush?
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What was the name for people who moved to California during the gold rush?

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Why did Chinese immigrants go to California during the gold rush?

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Why did people move to California?

People moved to California for various reasons, including the California Gold Rush in the mid-19th century, the lure of a mild climate and abundant natural resources, job opportunities in industries like entertainment and technology, and a desire for a better quality of life.

Why did people move to California during the 1800s?

Because of the Gold Rush from 1849-1855

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They moved west cause thire were gold in California.(The gold Rush)

What does Gold in them hill mean?

Gold in them hills' refers to the California gold rush. It was a common saying for those that moved out West to mine for gold in the mountains.

Why did thousands of settlers head west during the 1800s?

Because the gold rush in California was going on and everybody wanted some gold, also there wasn't many people in the west and the east and south was crowded so people moved to the west.

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actually all or the states went to California for gold

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California was West, and The Gold Rush was happening there, so they wanted to go there to pan and mine for gold.

What minerals were found naturally in California?

Gold, during the gold rush.