...claim that voters have approved the agenda he campaigned on, and the Congress ought to approve it.
Most US Presidents since Andrew Jackson have claimed that they are more representative of the American people as a whole because they come to power through a national election.
The concepts are essentially analogous. mandate of Heaven is, of course, an Oriental concept of the Chinese and Japanese Empires, and later Japanese pupper states of manchukuo and Korea under Japanese sovereignty, ah so.
the mandate of heaven in imperial china
the idea that political power comes from a Supreme Being
Manumission is the act of a slave owner freeing their slaves. Virginia's mandate that slave owners must pay for their slaves to be transported out the state led to the decline of manumission in the south.
The Massachusetts Bay colony was the group which had the first tax supported public schools. These were actually the first public schools in the U.S.
Some people agree and some people laugh. If he really has a mandate, he has no reason to mention it.
Mandate! :D
a mandate
Mandate affirmed means that on has been authorized to act in a specific way. This relates to public issues and the authority is given by the electorate.
Generally speaking when a President is elected as president, and he has made promises he takes those promises as a "mandate" of the people to do (or complete) that promise.In this context "Mandate" is the will of the people expressed in their support of his election.
No, President Jackson took his election as a mandate to support South Carolina's right of nullification.
A mandate
probably start a war
People say the president has a mandate if he wins by a large majority. The mandate is particularly clear if there was a defining issue during the campaign. If it is clear what the people are voting for and if a large majority vote for it, then the president will face little opposition when he pushes to give the people what they want and expect.
Bechara Al-Khoury
Probably start a war
He 's forever alone