Elbert Frank Cox was born in 1895 and was the first African American to earn a PhD in Mathematics. Cox was a professor at Howard University.
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She is the stepdaughther of howard Rushmore
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There has to be dozens of people named "William Howard" in the US.
Margaret Emily Mierisch
Willie Aikens's birth name is Willie Mays Aikens.
Tom Aikens was born in 1970.
Willie Aikens is 6' 3".
NFL player Walt Aikens is 6'-01''.
Richard Aikens was born on 1948-08-28.
Tom Aikens - restaurant - was created in 2003.
Walt Aikens plays for the Miami Dolphins.
Vanoye Aikens was born in 1917, in Jonesboro, Georgia, USA.
Walt Aikens plays Cornerback for the Miami Dolphins.
Diane Geppi-Aikens was born on 1962-10-04.