A month after Lincoln was elected on November 6th 1860 South Carolina withdrew from the Union first, the sucession of the states are as follow...by Feb. 1861, 7 in all...South Carolina, Georgia, Flordia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisanna, and then Texas
Fort Sumter was the defining moment when the first shots were fired in the Civil War after that The Confederate's elected Jefferson Davis as their President. The Conferederate Sates of America is what they were called. I'll leave it at that.
succession, and becoming the confederate states of america-led to civil war (north v. south)
The election of Abraham Lincoln.
The election of Lincoln caused the southern states to hold their own independent election. This was done in opposition of Abraham Lincoln being the president of the United States.
the election of Abraham Lincoln.
The election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States in Nov. 1860.
Slavery and the secession of the Southern States
The election of Abraham Lincoln.
The election of Lincoln caused the southern states to hold their own independent election. This was done in opposition of Abraham Lincoln being the president of the United States.
cessetion from the union >:(
The disaffected southern states began talking about succession, and South Carolina seceded in December, a mere month after Lincoln's election, before he was even inaugurated.
Slavery and the election of Abraham Lincoln
the election of Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln
The most immediate result of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860 was that many Southern states seceded from the Union. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.
Slavery IMPROVEMENT The election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the US.
No. Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election. Buchanan won 19 states including all of the southern states. The southern states seceded after Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election.