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Abraham Lincoln had 4 sons.

Robert "Todd" Lincoln born in 1843, and died in 1926, at age 82. Robert died of a cerebral hemorrhage induced by Arteriosclerosis. Robert was the only one of Lincoln's four sons, to live past the age of 18.

Edward Baker Lincoln or "Eddie" was born in 1846, and died just 6 weeks before his 4th birthday, on February 1, 1850. Census records list "chronic consumption", as the cause of death. Consumption is also known as tuberculosis, which most sources attribute Eddie's death.

William Wallace Lincoln or "Willie" was born in December of 1850, and died in February of 1862; he was just 11. The cause of death was likely Typhoid fever contracted by drinking contaminated water.

Thomas "Tad" Lincoln was born in April of 1853, and died in July of 1871, at the age of 18. He likely died from tuberculosis.

It has been suggested that Abraham Lincoln had a rare genetic cancer, which may have been passed down to all three of his sons, who died young.

95% of the Patients who have possess the genetic trait MEN2B or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2B, develop Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, a rare genetic cancer, exhibit physical traits such as, a long and tall, marfan-like body shape, large, bumpy lips, and displaced jaws. Dr. John Soto, has suggested that Abraham Lincoln suffered or carried the trait MEN2B, as he had all the physical elements of someone afflicted with MEN2B. If Soto's theory is correct, then patients with MEN2B pass on this trait to 50% of all of their children, through a paternal link, with sons twice as likely to inherit the trait, than daughters. Sons as early as age 4 can develop Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, which possesses symptoms very similar to tuberculosis. (Weakness, "wasting away")

Dr. Soto suggests that Lincoln had the trait, which can be found in his family history, and passed the disorder t0 - his sons Eddie, Willie, and Tad. Dr. Soto suggests that his sons died of Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and not tuberculosis, and typhoid fever.

Dr. Soto and and medical historian Jacob Appel have recently campaigned to have DNA testing conducted on a pillowcase stained with Lincoln's blood that is owned by the Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum and Library in Philadelphia, an effort that has generated considerable debate among privacy advocates.

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Abraham Lincoln had four sons with his wife Mary Todd. The fourth and youngest son was Thomas "Tad" Lincoln the Third.

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