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calling for troops

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Q: Abraham Lincoln caused four states to join the confederacy by what?
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Abraham Lincoln caused four states to join the confederacy by?

calling for troops

How did Abraham Lincoln cause four states to join the Confederacy?

calling for troops

Did Abraham Lincoln become a supporter of the Confederacy?

No. He was opposed to the idea of any states separating from the Union.

Who was the priesdent in the civil war?

The President of the United States was Abraham Lincoln, the President of the Confederacy was Jefferson Davis

The election of Lincoln caused southern states to?

The election of Lincoln caused the southern states to hold their own independent election. This was done in opposition of Abraham Lincoln being the president of the United States.

Who were Frederick Douglass's friends and enemies?

friends- states with slavery outlawed Abraham Lincoln slaves enemies- Confederacy

Why was Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis important?

because Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860 and didn't believe in the expansion of slavery, which the south depended on as their economic livelihood, the south seceeded from the northern free states and created the Confederacy. The south elected Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederacy, and they went to war with the Northern states, called Union in the American Civil War, which Abraham Lincoln led in the war.

Was Abraham Lincoln in favor of the Union or the Confederacy?

The Union. He promoted the end of slavery and the uniting of the United States. That is what the Union was fighting for.

What was the Union Government?

It was the United States government, to which Abraham Lincoln had been elected - minus the representatives of the Southern states that had broken away to form the Confederacy.

Who was the us president elected in 1860 that caused the southern states to secede from the us?

Abraham Lincoln

What sides of the civil war did Lincoln and Davis represent?

US President Abraham Lincoln was the leader of the Union, also can be called the United States. Opposing him was the president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis.

Where was the Confederacy?

The Confederacy, also known as the Confederate States of America, was located in the southern region of the United States. It was formed in 1861, with its capital in Richmond, Virginia. The Confederacy consisted of 11 states that seceded from the Union in response to the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the growing tensions over slavery.