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by removing prejudice (apex)

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By removing prejudice.

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Related questions

How were women suffragist supposed to convince anti-suffragists?

By removing prejudice.

What are Three strategies used by woman suffragists to obtain their goal?

They were; Suffragists tried to convince state legislature to grant women the right to vote. Women sat in on court cases and tested the 14th Amendment, saying if men are citizens who can vote and women are citizens, why can't women vote?. Lastly, Women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote (19th Amendment).

What two main strategies did womens suffrage activists use in the late 1800?

First, they tried to convince state legislatures to grant women the right to vote. Second, women pursued court cases to test the 14th Amendment, which declared that states denying their male citizens the right to vote would lose congressional representation. Third, women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women the vote.

What is a sentence with the word convince?

What more can I say to convince you? Convince me with your actions.

How do you spell convince me?

'Convince me'

What is a synonom for persuade?


What is the prefix of convince?

The prefix of "convince" is "con-".

What is the past participle of convince?

The past participle of convince is convinced.

Use the word convince in a sentence?

She tried to convince her friend to go to the movie with her by highlighting its great reviews and intriguing plot.

How do you use the word convince in a sentence?

You need to convince that person to help us.

What is a homophone for convince?

A homophone for "convince" is "convince". Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

How do i convince people to open a bank account?
