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Foreign aid is initially provided for short term aid in emergencies. The goal of foreign aid is to help make people self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves.

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Asher Lol

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2y ago
It's in order to help needy counties
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13y ago

If used correctly, foreign aid can be very beneficial. It is important for aid to go toward sustainable development. It is also important for aid to be transparent. If countries know where other countries are spending their aid, the money will be divided equally among places and programs. Check out the Make Aid Transparent website (link below) for more information. If aid is going to the right projects it has the power to do a lot. A good example of this is the Millennium Villages Project, (link below). This Project has been very successful with development in villages in Africa.

Learn more about poverty reduction at the Borgen Project website (link below).

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14y ago

FDI or MNC can fill up the Nation Saving Gap fill the Foreign exchange gap fill the tax revenue fill the management, entrepreneurship, technology and skill gap

An Overview of Advantages of FDI- Foreign Direct Investment in India is allowed through four basic routes namely, financial collaborations, technical collaborations and joint ventures, capital markets via Euro issues, and private placements or preferential allotments.

FDI inflow helps the developing countries to develop a transparent, broad, and effective policy environment for investment issues as well as, builds human and institutional capacities to execute the same. Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment- Attracting foreign direct investment has become an integral part of the economic development strategies for India. FDI ensures a huge amount of domestic capital, production level, and employment opportunities in the developing countries, which is a major step towards the economic growth of the country. FDI has been a booming factor that has bolstered the economic life of India, but on the other hand it is also being blamed for ousting domestic inflows. FDI is also claimed to have lowered few regulatory standards in terms of investment patterns. The effects of FDI are by and large transformative. The incorporation of a range of well-composed and relevant policies will boost up the profit ratio from Foreign Direct Investment higher. Some of the biggest advantages of FDI enjoyed by India have been listed as under:

Economic growth- This is one of the major sectors, which is enormously benefited from foreign direct investment. A remarkable inflow of FDI in various industrial units in India has boosted the economic life of country.

Trade- Foreign Direct Investments have opened a wide spectrum of opportunities in the trading of goods and services in India both in terms of import and export production. Products of superior quality are manufactured by various industries in India due to greater amount of FDI inflows in the country.

Employment and skill levels- FDI has also ensured a number of employment opportunities by aiding the setting up of industrial units in various corners of India.

Technology diffusion and knowledge transfer- FDI apparently helps in the outsourcing of knowledge from India especially in the Information Technology sector. It helps in developing the know-how process in India in terms of enhancing the technological advancement in India.

Linkages and spillover to domestic firms- Various foreign firms are now occupying a position in the Indian market through Joint Ventures and collaboration concerns. The maximum amount of the profits gained by the foreign firms through these joint ventures is spent on the Indian market.

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Q: Advantages of Foreign Aid
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what are the advantages and disadvantage of foreign aid?

The advantages of aid are:-Helps a country recover from crisis- Allows growth of a country if it is used with sound economic policies.-Disaster relief - e.g. Tsunami-eradication of diseases, e.g. smallpoxThe Disadvantages of aid are:-Some governments are corrupt and money may not go where it needs to go-Countries can become reliant on aid - increased dependency- Aid can help support authoritarian regimes.- Aid can be wasted on glorifying the aid organisation-Aid can discourage development and hinder foreign investment. This is because the recipient country's currency will rise in value and then their exports become more expensive to foreign countries. Foreign aid may undermine foreign investment.-aid can hinder the emergence of an entrepreneurial classThe advantages of aid are:-Helps a country recover from crisis- Allows growth of a country if it is used with sound economic policies.-Disaster relief - e.g. Tsunami-eradication of diseases, e.g. smallpoxThe Disadvantages of aid are:-Some governments are corrupt and money may not go where it needs to go-Countries can become reliant on aid - increased dependency- Aid can help support authoritarian regimes.- Aid can be wasted on glorifying the aid organisation-Aid can discourage development and hinder foreign investment. This is because the recipient country's currency will rise in value and then their exports become more expensive to foreign countries. Foreign aid may undermine foreign investment.-aid can hinder the emergence of an entrepreneurial class

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