Antietam (Sharpsburg) was the Union vixctory in September 1862 that gave Lincoln the credibility to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, liberating the slaves in the rebel-states - in theory, but not of course in practice, since he did not control those states.
Two of Lincolns major achievements were that he was a strong leader during the Civil War and the issue of the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln was also very successful in foreign policy.
The most significant event was the Union victory at Antietam. That gave Lincoln the excuse he had been waiting for to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
Abraham Lincoln was an anti-slavery candidate in 1860. He had every intention of freeing the slaves as soon as it was possible. However, history records that Frederick Douglass encouraged Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation as a war tactic.
He worked as an enlistment officer and encouraged President Lincoln to make Emancipation an issue in the Civil War. Also, as most of you already know, he was a leader in regional and national suffrage organizations.
The main event was the repulsion of Lee's invasion of the North at the Battle of Antietam.
The Emancipation Proclomation.
After, it allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
The great battle of Gettysburg NEW RESPONDENT The Battle of Antietam.
It was the unexpected Northern win at Antietam that enabled Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation without making it look like a desperate measure.
The Union Army's victory at the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) gave Lincoln the confidence.
To Free the Slaves
It gave Lincoln the credibility to issue the Emancipation Proclamation without making it sound like a desperate measure.
The Battle of Antietam near Sharpsburg, Maryland ended Lee's first attempt to enter the North. It was fought on 17 September 1862 and the Emancipation Proclomation was issued on 22 September 1862 with an effective day of 1 January 1863.
The Emancipation Proclamation