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Yes. It depresses or slows down the central nervous system.

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Q: Alcohol is a depresent
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Is alcohol a narcotic or depressant?


Is marijuana a depresent or stimulus?

it is an anti depresent not a stimulant

Is Alcohol a depresent drug?

No Alcohol is not a drug at all. But it does help people who are depressed just don't get drunk and dive or get drunk at all Alcohol is not a depressant it is a stimulant.

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Is crack cocaine a stimulant or depresent?

It is a stimulant

Is Amphetamine a depresent?

No. Amphetamines are stimulants which raise blood pressure and increase energy levels in the user.

Is flexeril a depresent?

It;s a muscle relaxer and has chemical properties that are similar to anti depressants, but works by depressing nerve functions so has properties of both.

Is polyvinyl alcohol really alcohol?

It is an alcohol. But the only alcohol that is in beverages is ethyl alcohol.

Is ethanol commonly called grain alcohol?

Called Grain Alcohol, drinking alcohol, ethyl alcohol or pure alcohol

Is there a difference between isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol?

Yes, there is a difference between isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is a type of alcohol that is commonly used as a disinfectant and solvent, while rubbing alcohol is a type of alcohol that is typically a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water.

CH3CH2OH is an alcohol what alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol.

What is the alcohol content of ctearyl alcohol?

It is all alcohol. That is the name of a type of alcohol. It is a fatty/waxy alcohol (-OH group)