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Q: America's first cabinetmakers were called
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What were America first cabinetmakers called?


What were Americas first cabinet makers called?


Where was the first permanet English settlement in Americas established?

The first permanent English settlement in the Americas was established in Virginia. It was called Jamestown.

What are the things that cabinetmakers provide?

Wooden furniture.

Where was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas establish?

Virginia its called Jamestown

What was Americas very first government called?

America's very first government was known as Continental Congress

What is the first Europeans to arrive in the Americas in late 15th century called?

The "new world"

How did man come to the Americas?

The first of mankind came to the Americas by crossing a land-bridge that connected modern day Alaska to modern day Russia. This bridge was called "Beringia" and was used by nomads in search of food that led them to the Americas.

Who were the first peoples who migrated to the Americas?

The first people in the Americas were bands of hunter-gatherers.

What was Americas originally called?

America was originally called the New World. It was later named America after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer who first recognized it as a new continent distinct from Asia.

What was Latin Americas first civilization?

The Olmec of southern Mexico built Latin Americas first civilization.

Is Saint Rose of Lima a saint?

Of course she is. That's why she is called Saint Rose. She was the first saint to be canonized from the Americas.