Extremism and failures of leadership made the Civik War inevitable by feeding sectionalism in the North and South.
why its not working
When there is conflict and war within a country between it's own political factions, it is usually referred to as a civil war. As the Union and the Confederacy were both factions of the United States, the war is titled the Civil War.
A republic is made up of representatives, these representatives carry the beliefs and passions of the majority of the ones they represent. So a republic is inherently going to be made of different groups of people with different views (IE Democrats Republicans) in other words factions.
James Madison wrote about his concern regarding factions in his famous essay, "The Federalist No. 10." He believed that factions, or groups of individuals united by a common interest or opinion, were a natural and inevitable part of human nature. Madison argued that the danger of factions lied in their potential to oppress the rights of others or undermine the public good, but that a large and diverse republic with multiple factions could help control their effects through a system of checks and balances.
The alliances of nations and the political differences of the two factions ultimately led to the onset of WWI after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist.
More inevitable, most inevitable
"It was inevitable that that would happen", "his death was inevitable", "losing that match was inevitable"...
more inevitable, most inevitable
Warring Factions was created in 2007.
With our score so high, I think that victory is inevitable. Making mistakes is inevitable for human beings.
death is inevitable
Death is inevitable.
Philosophically speaking, usually "not" is inevitable.
A droll response was inevitable. How could I avoid the inevitable disaster?
Two types of factions are ideological factions, which are based on differing beliefs or principles, and power factions, which are formed to gain control or influence within a group or organization.