They are white... Black people have curly hair, and different mouth.
In the North prejudice and racism werent practiced as much as in the South. The North integrated schools and didnt segregate races. Although some whites' personalities havent changed about blacks during the civil war, their policies of racism werent as harsh as the south. The South enacted the Jim Crow Laws. These were a set of laws that segregated blacks and whites. They had colored watering ftns, colored schools, and seperated everything, and gave the colored people bad quality. If a man even looked at a white person the wrong way they could be killed. (See Emmet Till Case) Southerners basically hated blacks. So they treated them bad. The North was more open to black and whites together and were nicer than the south.
Possibly due to the hostility towards the blacks that exsisted in the South and the laws which were created that still did not allow the black people to have the same rights as the White people. Yes, it was now illegal to own a black person as property actwe the war, but other laws were created whch ostrisized the blacks and made sure they were not allowed the sane rights as any whites. In the North these rules did not exsists and the blacks really were free, not just technically free as they were in the South.
For the most part racism remained the same or as some historians will note, they believed it increased. In the North, as an example, most people there did not like slavery. When slavery was ended some people in the North, expressed more racism as now more freed Blacks had migrated to the North. All types of ways to keep freed slaves below the social and political level of whites were used to deny Blacks jobs and the right to vote.
Of course!Some rich white men sent their slaves to fight for them, and others brought their slaves with them to work in the army behind the lines, and with them in battle.Some free blacks also fought for the South.
They weren't afraid. I think you misunderstand the discrimination that was taking place. They didn't see them as having civil rights and the right to vote. There are still people today who feel this way.
"The Struggle and Triumph of Free Blacks in the North"
whites and free blacks from the north
whites and free blacks from the north.
Whites and free blacks from the North
Whites and free blacks from the North
whites and free blacks in the north
Whites and free blacks from the North
Anyplace where blacks and whites could be together. Ex. water fountains, restaurants, buses, etc.
For blacks in the North, military service provided a route to gradual acceptance by whites who had previously rejected them.
They couldn't have certain jobs or live in certain states.
Vestiges of African American culture survived in British North America through indentured servitude and procreation between blacks and whites.
The North in general opposed slavery, however, if it was abolished, many whites had concerns. Many believed that freed slaves would move north and take jobs at lower pay then whites. This was an economic fear. Also, although whites had sympathy for slaves, freeing them and giving them the same equality as whites cut into their racism. They truly believed that Blacks were inferior people. To have them be on an equal basis as whites was a problem for them. There was little fear of race riots.