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why sure!! of course there are plenty like Jimmy Carter (president) George Bush the second (only the second , not his dad, because only related to Abe by mother!) and tom hanks is related to Abe and Elvis Presley is related to Abe so really alot of people infact i just learned tonight that there is a possibility i might be who knows maybe you!! haha good luck and hope i answered it!

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yes .

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Q: Are there anybody related to Abrahm Lincoln today?
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While in office how much was abrahm Lincoln's annual presidential salary?

In 1789 the Presidents salary was set at $25,000 per year. In 1873 it was raised to $50,000. In 2009 dollars Lincoln's $25,000 would be worth $500,000. That is greater thatn the $400,000 the President makes today. However President's did not have a pension then as they do now.

Why do people remember Abe today?

Because people think he was famous i am related to Abe Lincoln

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Yes. They were on the Titanic when they were babies.

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