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A Republican form of government.

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Q: At the Constitutional Convention there was general consensus and agreement concerning?
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What did the Republican Party and the federalist consensus on?

The First Party SystemFederalists and Republicans - The First Party System Party Names Federalist Party Republican Party Consensus on:The United States should stay out of war in Europe.The United States should remain a democratic republic.Partisan IssuesAccepted a hierarchical societyStrong national government, national spendingStanding army and navyBuild up a diverse economyBelieved in equalitySmall government, pay down debtMilitias for defenseExpand west as a nation of farmersCoalitionNew EnglandMerchantsCitiesVirginiaExpand westWesterners

How do you revive a companion in last stand union city?

Reviving a companion in Last Stand Union City should be learned by trial and error. Short cuts also called cheat codes are considered unethical by consensus and strongly discouraged.

What did the Blackfoot trade with other tribes?

There are four Blackfoot bands: three in Canada and one in the United States. A Blackfoot band is known as a tribein the United States and a First Nation in Canada. Each Blackfoot tribe or First Nation lives on its own reservation or reserve, which means land that belongs to the tribe and is legally under their control. The four Blackfoot bands are politically independent. Each one has its own government, laws, police, and services, just like a small country.In the past, the Blackfeet nation was led by a council of chiefs, one from each clan. The Blackfeet people really valued harmony, so every chief had to agree on a decision before action could be taken (this is called consensus). Today, Blackfeet council members are elected like governors or mayors are... but their government still works by consensus.

What role did the immigrants play in the war?

One reliable source informs readers that of the 1.8 million Northerners called to duty in the US Civil War, did include immigrants. The consensus seems to center around 20% of immigrants that in one way or another was part of the Union's war effort.In some places, such as New York City, immigrants rioted when draft officials came to the nations largest city, NYC.

How are decisions made in the haudenosaunee tribe?

the haudenosaunee made decisions by asking the clan mothers. the clan mom would then ask the polys. It often took very long for them to make decisions because everybody had to be satisfied with the desicion and agree.