Bacon's Rebellion was precipitated by what Bacon perceived as unfair treatment by William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia. Berkeley excluded Bacon from his government.
Jacob Leisler led/started the Leisler Rebellion =] Jacob Leisler led/started the Leisler Rebellion =]
Nat Turner
Nat Turner
The California Republic was declared after a successful Anglo rebellion led by John C. Fremont.
Nathaniel Bacon, The rebellion was called Bacons Rebellion.
Bacon's Rebellion was precipitated by what Bacon perceived as unfair treatment by William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia. Berkeley excluded Bacon from his government.
The government wanted to raise taxes which made the people furious this eventually led to shays rebellion.
the rebellion was led by daniel shay
Wu Wang led the rebellion.
Whiskey rebellion
Daniel Shay led the rebellion that undermined the article of confederation.
The Boxer Rebellion
shays rebellion
The first rebellion against King James II was led by the Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded after the rebellion was stopped. Another rebellion was led against him by Archibald Campbell, who was also executed by beheading.
Jacob Leisler led/started the Leisler Rebellion =] Jacob Leisler led/started the Leisler Rebellion =]