I don`t think they came to the US.
The best thing to do is click on images on you browser and type in US Coins, this will bring up pictures of US coins
By war, as it happened.
They used an RPG to bring in the cows! and their wifes.
He wanted to bring an end to slavery.
Yes! I always bring biltong and droe wors back from SA to Israel (even in my hand luggage) and have never had a problem. Make sure the biltong is vaccum-packed.
I was born in south Africa and live in CA now, so I know 1st hand how yummy biltong is (beef jerky is the closest American counterpart yet its not as good). Actual biltong is not illegal in the US but you'd have to make it yourself which is quite a process or have a South African butcher make it (some great ones in Irvine, CA). However it IS illegal to bring it into the country from SA..health regulations I guess. So if you can get your hands on some enjoy it and know the difficulty of getting it makes it that much better =)
Salt helps to cure the meat by drawing out moisture, inhibiting bacteria growth, and adding flavor to the biltong. It is essential for preservation and to enhance the overall taste of the finished product.
South Africa
Usually Chicken or Beef. Sometimes Lamb or pork. We also have some traditional meats eg biltong (dried meat) or boerewors (a type of sausage) South Africans love to "braai" (Barbeque)
No biltong is not bad for you and in fact it makes you eat less. This is pure protein that you are eating, meaning it keeps you full and keeps you away from those snack times
Biltong is a type of cured meat originally from South Africa. It is not to be confused with jerky although it is similar in composition. It can consist of beef, ostrich or other game animals.
Yes, biltong can be a healthy snack option as it is high in protein, low in fat, and free from additives or preservatives. However, it is important to consume it in moderation due to its high sodium content.
None. Rusks, biltong, droewors, etc.
If you look in the series of the Children of the Lamp by some author with the last name of Kerr, then John states his focus word to be biltong. He explains that this is a sort of poop from a camel. Hope it helps! This is an awsome series by the way...
Hard to say, but it appears to be a South African method of drying meat.