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Q: Can you think of anything the delegates could have done to ensure the ratification of the constitution without perpetuating the institution of slavery?
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Related questions

Why did the delegates at the Constitution convention oppose the ratification of the constitution?

the constitution did not include a bill of right...

Why did many delegates at the constitutional convention oppose the ratification of the constitution?

the constitution did not include a bill of right...

How did the Philadelphia convention delegates ensure ratification of the constitution?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ensure ratification. This limited the power of the federal government and solidified power for the states.

Where are the Names of the delegates of Philadelphia Convention Listed In the Constitution?

Under Article VII (seven) Ratification.

Did the delegates at the constitutional convention end the slave trade effective immediately following the ratification of the constitution?


What does it mean to ratify the Constitution?

The ratification of the constitution was when the delegates of the contenental congress signed it, thus making it official law.

Why were many delegates to the constitutional convention against ratification of the united state constitution in 1787?

the constitution did not include a bill of right...

In 1787 many of the delegates to the constitutional convention opposed ratification of the US Constitution because of it's failure to?

did not include bill of rights

Once the delegates to the Constitutional Convention agreed on the Constitution what was required for it to become official?

ratification by the states -apex

Why did the framers appose submitting the constitution to the existing congress or state governments for ratification?

They were afraid that since a few delegates had walked out of the Constitution and how there had been so many disagreements that the Congress and state governments might not want to ratify the Constitution.

Initially ratification of the constitution was highly unlikely only after a fierce debate did a combo of factors about its adoption by the 13 states approve it asses the validity of the statement?

The Philadelphia Convention began in secret, the delegates charged with creating limited amendments to the already existing Articles of Confederation. However, the delegates gathered there took on a larger challenge: the creation of an entirely new system of government, and after much debating and finagling the Constitution was born. It was decided that the ratification of the Constitution would be left in the hands of special delegates elected by the people to choose. The ratification of the constitution was not an assured point when it was first introduced due to its radical restructuring of government, however because of the political aggressiveness and the people associated with the Federalist movement it became increasingly inevitable.

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution soon after its ratification?

During the Constitutional Convention George Mason urged the other delegates to include a Bill of Rights guaranteeing everyone their basic natural rights. The delegates chose to ignore him. Now, after the Constitution was sent out for ratification it came to their attention that many of those who opposed the Constitution did so on the basis of there was no Bill of Rights. The opponents argued that this new Constitution did not guarantee them any rights and would lead tyranny. You could call it an attempt to cover their mistake and convince people that they were the good guys.