My sentence is: cou d' etat is a French sentance. Also: You wrote a sentence using it in your question
The histories of books are usually not interesting.
the sun always is uprising in the morning.
The word 'heirloom' is a noun, a word for a piece of personal property handed down from generation to generation.Example sentence: The watch is an heirloom that belonged to my great grandfather.
A good soldier will not waver in his commitment to his country or his unit.
In jail, when u want to use the bathroom, you have little privacy.
Improper use of your personal data is an invasion of privacy
"This is a sentence using the word 'confederation.'"
how do you use the word colander in a sentence
How do u use the word cataclysm in a sentence?
how do you use enfranchise in a sentence?
There are a few restrictions as to how you can use the word "Restrictions" in a sentence.
Fart is not a nice word. There you go, there's a sentence using the word.
sentence using word felicitation for marriage
I like using the word octagon in a sentence.
how do yew use evince in a sentence??
It is a sentence when use the word egg and describes it