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to bring about policy change... apex:)

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Q: Coalition building and educational awareness are alike because their main purpose is?
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Why is Iraq in war?

Because it was invaded by the coalition forces.

What is heart awareness?

Heart awareness is the awareness of the heart, mainly to either learn about it or to become concerned about it because of a disease or malfunction.

Why didn't coalition governments last very long?

It is usually difficult to get much real cooperation in a coalition government, because the members of the coalition would all rather defeat the other parties and form a majority government, than cooperate with the other parties and perpetuate the coalition.

Importances of development of social self awareness?

Social self-awareness is important because it allows individuals to understand their own emotions and behaviors in social situations. This awareness helps in building stronger relationships, resolving conflicts effectively, and improving communication with others. Additionally, being socially self-aware can lead to greater empathy and understanding of diverse perspectives.

Why is it necessary to have educational aims?

It is important to have educational aims because how are you going to get a job.

Is spore educational?

NO! spore can't be Educational because Maxis doesn't want Educational. spore is rated E10+ Not CE

Why did fewer people die during hurricane Andrew than during the similar storm that hit Florida in 1928?

Because of better building code, better weather forecasting technologies, and better awareness and preparedness.

How poverty is a educational problem?

because it is

What might be the consequences be if there ceased to be a coalition of political parties in Australia?

if there was no coalition then the labour party would always win the elections because they are always the biggest vote getter in their own right.

Is Northern Ireland a coalition government?

It is a form of coalition government. Because of the troubles, as part of the peace process it was agreed to have a power-sharing government which would have representatives from both sides of the community.

Is coalition government is sustainable?

no, coalition government is not sustainable ... because the party which has most number of seat will always dominate others,they won't accept any decision which are made by low partys. its my opinion......

What are the merits and demerits of coalition government?

The merits of a collation govt is that it is governed by a majority of people. One party cannot do whatever they want. but in India coalition is bad because one of the coalition members are from one of the states and do not represent the whole country. for example the Trinamool Congress of the mad lady Manta, AIADMK of the Jaylalitha The Muslim party of the Samajwadi. In other parts of the world coalition govt. were successful. Those countries prospered under the coalition govt.