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Q: Colony on the Hudson river claimed by the Dutch?
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Claimed the Hudson River area for Dutch?

Yes the Dutch claimed the Hudson River area.

Who was the explorer who claimed the Hudson river valley for the dutch was?

It was Hudson. That's why it's called the HUDSON river.... It was named after him. His name was Henry Hudson.

Did Hudson claim Hudson River for English?

He claimed it for the Dutch.

What is the name of the dutch colony on the Hudson river?

The name of the Dutch colony on the Hudson River was "New Netherland". Its principal port at the mouth of the river was "New Amsterdam", known today as New York City.

Along What river was the Dutch Colony Of new Nether-land Established?

Hudson River

Land claimed by England around Hudson Bay?

Well, Hudson bay is named after Henry Hudson, who claimed land around the river for the Dutch, but it's not really said who claimed the land for the English.

The explorer who claimed territory for the dutch was who?

The explorer who claimed territory for the Dutch was Henry Hudson. He discovered both the Hudson River in present-day New York and Hudson Bay in Canada while searching for a Northwest Passage to Asia.

What explorer first claimed land in the Americas for the dutch?

The explorer who first claimed land in the Americas for the Dutch was Henry Hudson in 1609. He explored the river that was later named after him, the Hudson River, which led to Dutch claims in what is now New York.

What river did the dutch take control of?

The Dutch took control of the Hudson River, establishing the colony of New Netherland in the early 17th century. This colony later became part of what is now known as New York.

Who claimed New York area for the Dutch?

Henry Hudson, an English navigator working for the Dutch East India Company, claimed the New York area for the Dutch in 1609. Hudson sailed up the river that now bears his name and established a trading post for the Dutch.

Which European nation claimed the Hudson river?

New York and New Hampshire claimed the Hudson River.

Why did Henry Hudson make trips?

He was sent by the Dutch to find new water routes to Asiaa. He was in search of a Northwest Passage, but as we now know there isn't one. He claimed land for the Dutch along the way, and the river he explored is now known as the Hudson River in honor of him.