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Q: Critics of the original Constitution claimed the wording failed to protect human what?
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What are arguments for amending a Bill of Rights to the original Constitution?

The argument for adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was to protect individual freedoms of the citizens.

What worried critics about the Constitution?

i think people were afraid of the constitution because it was something big that was going to change a lot and people dont usually like that kind of change.

Was the Constitution written before the Bill of Rights?

Yes it was. The Constitution was written and then the Bill of Rights was added as sort of a compramise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalsits. Many said that the original Constitution did not protect the people's natural rights, so the Bill of Rights was added to it.

What was the principal motivation for drafting the bill of rights?

To Protect the rights that were not specified in the Constitution. In my opinion it also was a compromise for the Anti-Federalists, since this was main reason for not ratifying the Constitution.

Why was The bill of rights was added to the US Constitution to?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

Where are human rights included in the constitution?

were is it in the constitution that you have the right to protect your property

How doe the constitution protect you from unlawful imprisonment?

because you can not brak what on the constitution

How does the constitution protect future Americans?

constitution to protect life property and Proust of happiness

What does the President promise to do in his oath of office?

He promises to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Why did Sam Adams opposed the Constitution?

he believd that the constitution did not protect peoples rights as so the Bill of Rights did

Who introduced The Bill of Rights to congress and why?

It was introduced by James Madison. The original Constitution could not be ratified by the Continental Congress because it failed to protect the fundamental principles of human liberty.

Why were the Bill of Rights included with the Constitution?

They were added after the constitution was adopted to protect our rights