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Abraham Lincoln didn't get along with his farther so well, his brother died when he was a baby, his mother died when he was nine but they had a good relationship, and his sister Sara and his got along well too.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, he had 3. Elizabeth, Matilda, and John D, were all the children of Sarah Bush Johnston, a widow who married Abraham Lincoln's father, and became his step-mother.

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Q: Did Abraham Lincoln get along with his siblings?
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Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.

Was Sarah Bush Johnston Abraham Lincoln's first wife?

No, Abraham Lincoln only had one wife-- Mary Todd Lincoln. But Sarah Bush Johnston was Abraham Lincoln's step-mother. Sarah's first husband died in 1816, and she married a widower named Thomas Lincoln (Abraham's father) in December 1819. By all accounts, she and Abraham got along well, and he thought of her as if she were his biological mother.

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Abraham Lincoln the Republican Party along with 55 journalists.

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Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name-- Abraham Lincoln was his full name.

Is there is relative of Mary todd Lincoln still liviving?

There are probably many descendants of the Todd family, since Mary had numerous siblings and half-siblings. But the last direct descendant of Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln died in 1985.

What was Abe Lincoln's real name?

Abraham Lincoln is his real name.FYI:Also they nicknamed him 'Honest Abe'.

How do you spell Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln

What is the name of Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln

Was Abraham Lincoln?

Yes, Abraham Lincoln was.

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