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Approx 5 days after Lee's surrender.

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Q: Did Abraham Lincoln get killed days after the civil war?
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What did Abraham Lincoln do after the Civil War?

5 days after the US Civil War ended, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

How was Abraham Lincoln a good leader?

He freed the slaves and ended the Civil war , I believe. He was sadly killed days after the end of the war

What happened five days after the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated

Who was killed first Jon w booth or Abraham Lincoln?

Booth killed Lincoln, and was then shot a few days later on a farm in Virginia.

What happened 5 days after the civil war ended?

Answer President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Did Abraham Lincoln retire?

Abraham Lincoln was President when he was assassinated; so no, he did not retire. He died in office, 6 days after the American Civil War ended.

Was Abraham Lincoln involved in the reconstruction period?

no he died 5 days after the civil war

Who was the president after the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was the President for five days after the war ended, then he was shot and killed. Andrew Johnsonbecame President when Lincoln was killed and was President until March 4, 1869 when he was replaced by Gen. Ulysses Grant.

Who killed US President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth an American stage actor killed President Abraham Lincoln.

Was the john Wilkes booth arrested for the murder of Abraham Lincoln?

No, but he was shot and killed 12 days after.

Which US president was shot five days after the end of the American Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln

Which US president was shot 5 days after the end of the American Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln