No he didn't Yes, he did, three, two house maids, and a cook named Jim.
Thomas Hicks, the painter of Abraham Lincoln's 1860 portrait (located at the Chicago Historical Society) was white.
Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.
Lincoln was against slavery.
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
No, Abraham Lincoln was not Chinese.
William H. Johnson (Negro)
Thomas Hicks, the painter of Abraham Lincoln's 1860 portrait (located at the Chicago Historical Society) was white.
Nancy Hank was an extremely dark skin Negro, who resembled baseball Hall of Famer Henry Aaron. Since Abraham Lincoln knew that he was a Negro/mulatto he had to keep it a secret, but he used his Presidency to free the USA black slaves, which included Lincoln's first cousins who were still in slavery. Please remember that Abraham Lincoln went to live with his Negro cousins and worked on slave plantations after his white father refused to mark the grave of his black mother. Most 1800's old newspapers always state President Lincoln as either being a Negro or being very, very dark. (R.C. Russell, PhD)
Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.
Lincoln was against slavery.
Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name-- Abraham Lincoln was his full name.
Abraham Lincoln is his real name.FYI:Also they nicknamed him 'Honest Abe'.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Yes, Abraham Lincoln was.
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.