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It initially started with slavery. Farm machinery didn't exist and wealthy plantation owners who raised cash crops like tobacco and cotton looked for cheap labor. Racist ideas such as people from Africa being more animal than human were prevalent in those days. Slave traders and owners dehumanized the slaves to justify what they did to them. Then once slavery was abolished, the racist beliefs which were used to justify slavery remained.

Slaves were kept ignorant so they would not be able to survive without their masters. There were even laws against slaves and even free African-Americans getting an education. That ignorance, which the slave owners valued, was later used to justify discrimination. Rather than blame the lack of education for the ignorance, the racists blamed the race.

Then there were the pressures of a poor economy. When the slaves were freed, the economy was bad. So nobody really welcomed new people to the workforce. So that could have led to some of the discriminatory laws. People without education were not welcomed into the workforce much, and there was already competition for what jobs remained.

Then there were the political pressures. The most noted hate group, the Ku Klux Klan, was created because of political pressures. In the days right after slavery, there was a fear of so many of the freedmen becoming Republicans, which were the more liberal political party in that day. So some of the Conservative Democrats started the KKK to marginalize people of color and weaken their political power. The KKK still exists, but in a weak and fractured form.

Some of the later hate may have been related to another phenomenon, and that was the conversion of the political parties. When the American Communist Party disbanded, its members took over the Democrat Party. Then many of the Conservatives fled to the Republican Party. Communist and/or socialist values were attractive to African Americans in those days. This put targets on their backs as there were government programs, both overt and covert, designed to drive out Communism. So to keep liberal, communist, or socialist influences away from the polls, there were all the discriminatory voting laws. There was violence as well.

There are many more things that can be said as to the reasons, but if we must boil it down, it was all due to greed, fear, hate, assumed inferiority, and lies.

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13y ago

the African-American people were treated terribly because down south never liked them and even after the civil war and the laws of segregation were passed some people still don't like African-Americans oh also they do get treated differently in some parts of the us. There are still some groups of people hunting down African American people because of their race.


Even after they were no longer slaves the weren't treeted as humans.

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15y ago

Did african Americans Get Treated Different from The White People?

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