I would assume they did at first, but then they probably learned to cook it.
Native Americans used eggs in a variety of ways. They would break them open and eat them raw for much nourishment. Sometimes they would bake them or scramble them. They also fed them to their horses to make them faster and give them endurance. The most unheard of thing that Native Americans did with eggs was on a certain night of the year, they would run around egging each others tepee's and horses just for fun.
rice fish wheat bison and other wheats and meats.
Under the mercantile system, the colonies were required to develop trade with other nations, produce manufactured goods, and supply raw materials.
Raw Materials and markets for British products.
Colonial cooks cooked whatever was available, and this was often whatever wild animals were native to a given area. Many colonists had their own livestock, which was also prepared for meals. This may have included pigs, cattle (beef) and sheep.
The Mound Builders were Native Americans. They ate corn, beans, squash and what ever they found to hunt such as venison, squirrel, and fish.
you can only eat certain fish raw, and they give you the safe kind in sushi
Fish generally eat what they are used to eating but some fish, like catfish and bullhead will take raw meet.
Raw fish.
yes they can eat it raw has anyone herd of sushi
You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables raw. There is also sashimi that you can eat (which is raw fish) but you have to make sure that the fish is fresh and not spoiled. You should not eat raw meat.
You should not eat raw fish or seafood when pregnant.
They ate it raw. It was a rare treat.
china likes raw fish because they eat lots of sushi so they are use to it
Sheepdogs eat raw meat, but not fish or chicken.
Kittens & cats both eat Fish, it doesn't have to be any certain type of fish as long as it is a raw fish.