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Q: Did the Americans conquer the western frontier after the battle of fallen timbers?
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As a result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

the United States asserted its authority on the western frontier.

Why was it important in the migration of Americans westward?

Americans were eager to move to the west frontier because they found gold in what is now known as Colorado?

What did Americans settling on the western frontier encounter?

Communities of people from diverse backgrounds

How did frontier battles with native Americans intensify Americans antibritish feelings?

because the British supported the native Americans and because they were siding with them. that was the easiest question

What did 'the west' mean to Americans in the 1800s?

Early Americans thought of the Area between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River as the western frontier.

Why were many American eager to move to the western frontier?

Americans were eager to move to the west frontier because they found gold in what is now known as Colorado?

What Devlopment brought an end to western frontier 1890?

There was now 5 Americans for every one square mile in the United States. There were no more frontier to explore.

How did the existence of a vast western frontier shape Americans' values and society in the period 1790-1860?

As the Wesetrhr ehbe

What patriot leader organized militia on the western frontier and persuaded NAtive Americans not to support the BRITISH?

George Rogers Clark

What did the west mean to American in the 1800s?

Early Americans thought of the Area between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River as the western frontier.

When was Western Frontier Force created?

Western Frontier Force was created in 1915.

What was one effect of the battles fought on the western frontier during the revolution?

Hostility between white settlers and Native Americans deepened.