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By law; both by Treaty and Classical Federal Court ruling, no tribal member has to purchase a license to hunt or fish on tribal lands (or lands under tribal jurisdiction). However the State of Oklahoma is refusing to recognize these Federal Laws or their related treaties (so a legal battle is likely to ensue).

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Q: Do Native American tribal members need to purchase a hunting license in Oklahoma?
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If the land is in your name, are not required to have a license."I am a resident of Alabama. Must I purchase a hunting license to hunt on lands I own in Alabama? No, residents of Alabama are not required to purchase a hunting license to hunt on property they own."

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In Oklahoma, American Indians who live on tribal land are not required to pay for license plates as their vehicles are subject to tribal jurisdiction. This exemption is based on the historical agreements between Native American tribes and the US government.

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you can purchase them at the sports authority stores

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If you have a youth hunting license and have just turned 18, you will likely need to purchase an adult hunting license as most states require individuals who are 18 or older to have an adult license for hunting. It's recommended to check with your state's wildlife agency for specific rules regarding hunting licenses and age requirements.

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Are you a resident of Oklahoma if you have an Oklahoma driver's license?

not nessicarily. You could have just moved to a different state from oklahoma, and still have the OK license.

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One of the requirements for a gaming license in Oklahoma is a monthly exclusive pay which should be paid to the State of Oklahoma.

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