Some do and some don't. There are racists in every race. The main reason for African ('Black') hatred toward Europeans ('Whites') is how the Europeans treated Africans back in the day. Africans were slaves to the Europeans.
However, what many people don't know is how Africans became slaves. Most of the time, Europeans didn't just come over to Africa, round up a bunch of people, and ship them off to go work. Instead, they were sold/traded by their own people for supplies and weapons.
Yes. He is an Edomite. Edomites hate God's Chosen people, Israelites (so-called "Black people") in America.
People still do. They hate darker skinned people because they hate people so different. That's jsut the way hw is it. People hate differences, especially beneficial differences. When blacks were brought over to the U.S they were very strong, could work for long hours, were immune to most of the sicknesses prevalent in Europe and were therefore hated. They were also seen as "less human" by some, but it may simply be that some thought they were a threat.
No, in fact, his singing style and music came from the southern black music in the 1950's. He would go to the jute halls and hear the music played learning from it. Thanks to this we have Rock and Roll.
Are you kidding me? NO! God does not freaking hate black people! HE CREATED EVERYONE! HE LOVES EVERYONE! AND IF YOU PEOPLE BOTHERED TO READ THE HOLY BIBLE YOU'D UNDERSTAND! and if you think he does hate black people... you belong with the devil in heck!
Basically, there is hate because there is ignorance. Hate and ignorance go hand in hand. People don't always seem to get along, and they don't realise the consequences.
Because there is a superstisions that says they are bad luck!!!
yes cats love people but they hate when they hold them a lot if you ignore them they will love you
This isn't really a question. Some people love cats, and some people hate cats. That's all there is to it.
Cats hit people for the same reason that people hit people: they hate and despise you.
I am Mexican and i think black people are cool. I had NEVER seen a Mexican that hates a black person unless that person picks on them.BUt most Mexicans don't hate black people.
Yes. That's why they're always like "I hate Rebecca Black".
it is just a matter of opinion
Dogs hate cats because cats are stupid.
It isn't. Too many black people there. I hate black people, so I hate SC.
Because. I mean they don't really hate black people. But we hate how ignorant some of them are. We all don't hate them. We dislike them and there ignorance. Well we only dislike the ignorant ones.
bad luk or little black cats